Tuesday, March 31, 2009

American violence/too many guns or guns are irrelevant

We've talked about the horrible crimes of violence in the news; the killings in Milford Mass. and the nursing home massacre last weekend. Are acts such as these the result of too many guns in too many hands or is the issue of guns irrelevant to these acts of random violence? React to this statement one way or another. We know guns don't kill people; people kill people. However, is the easy access to firearms a contributing factor in these horrific acts of violence.
Tell me what you think. You will receive an extra credit grade from 70 to 100 for your post, depending on its substance.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Flagged Coffins

American coffins coming home are draped with flags and escorted by military guard. However, the American public doesn't have access to this because of the military blackout imposed by president Bush. There are a number of reasons for this blackout; from controlling public opinion about the war to protecting individual privacy.
How do you feel about this issue now that president Obama has modified the policy to allow families to decide if they want their loved ones remains photographed and published?