Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Health Care Reform

The country is in the middle of a massive debate on reforming health care in America. Terms like "pre-existing condition", " public option", and " socialized medicine" have become part of our public lexicon over the past few months.
The democrats are pushing for reform, the republicans are trying to, at worst, stop it, at best, offer a more subtle reform program. They both agree that the option of doing nothing will be catastrophic for America as the current 17% of GDP will grow to over 22% within the next decade, crippling our ability to sustain our current health care system.
America is ranked 37 in the world for health care by the World Health Organization. We spend 50% more than any other country in the world, yet have higher rates of infant mortality and reduced life expectancy. 80% of all bankruptcies are the result of health care bills.
As we discuss this issue in class, post your opinion of what Congress and the president should do. This can range from a single payer system like Great Britain, to leaving things just as they are.
Discuss the concept that health care is a "right" or "privilege" and what that implies for our policy makers.